In celebration of its 90th anniversary, Gucci hosted an artisans event at its 360 Mall boutique. The event showcased the craftsmanship of Gucci’s Florentine leather goods factory. I made sure to pass by and I did. Only to find the doors closed so I politely asked the lady at the entrance of the boutique if I could come in and she warmly welcomed me in. And I was glad that I went because it was very interesting and a unique experience to see the brand's most skilled artisans working so meticulously right there in front of me with their custom-built workshops. And when I was about to leave, one of sales team give me a goodie bag and inside was a small gift box and inside it had Gucci's original Bamboo keychain. (Thank you!), Following Dubai and Kuwait City, the Artisan Corner will also travel to Qatar later this month.
So if you have the time, pass by Gucci's boutique at the 360 Mall, the Artisan Corner will continue tomorrow, Thursday May 19th, from 10am to 10pm.. And if you make a purchase during the event, you will receive a personal letter from Gucci Creative Director Frida Giannini.
Yalla Khairha eb ghairha :(
New Bride
What did you like most about it? :)
question out of subject did they reopen la duree cafe I miss the french toast
As far as I know, yes! :)
No not yet.. why did they close in the first place?!