Can you believe that the above bag is actually from Zara and sold for KD 35.500 only?! I liked this bag a lot. Perfect for fall and has the key trends for this season: patent leather + structured shape. The bag comes in gray, as shown above, and white. This bag is good for someone who doesn't want to spend a lot of money on a patent leather bag.
Can you believe that the above bag is actually from Zara and sold for KD 35.500 only?! I liked this bag a lot. Perfect for fall and has the key trends for this season: patent leather + structured shape. The bag comes in gray, as shown above, and white. This bag is good for someone who doesn't want to spend a lot of money on a patent leather bag.
The see through Fendi? I had a post about it amonth ago. I didn't like it that much :)
peony and chinese eyes
Yeah.. it's nice :)
Yean I know.. walaw ;) I was refering to two specific bags that's why i mentioned both :)
I'm waiting for the Leather Version This winter!:)
ooooh I LOVED the coco cabas! You have a great taste ;) I'm not aware that they're selling a newer version of it this Fall. Are you sure? As far as I know, the latest version of this bag is the denim. I could be wrong though :)