Recently while doing my errands, I came across this (the photo above) and I was shocked to the bone. "What is this?!! Nooooo, it can't be! Is it? YES it is!". Never have I imagined, not in a million years, to see snake skin metallic Fendi's Spy bag ungracefully sitting on the shelf of a tacky little store inside Shamiya's Co-Op, next to nasty & ugly replicas of Coach bags. And of course it is a faux Spy too. Unfortunately, the store was closed, or I would have asked about the price and checked the bag out.
When I see faux designer bags I feel cheated on coz, Ain't nothing like the real thing baby. My rule of thumb is, if you can't afford to buy a designer bag, then please don't buy the mirror bag. There's nothing wrong with buying & carrying a good qaulity handbag off the high-street.
Would you buy a fake replica designer Bag?
(I bought my Fendi last November.. the Moncler Spy in red - Limited edition.. so mine was late 2006 edition)
You're right, there's nothing wrong with carrying a high-street bag. But girls puhleeease, don't carry LV or Fendi Replicas.. That's just looks bad & cheap.
I totally agree.. I don't think there are replicas of your limitied edition spy.. at least not that I know of.
you know sth? It's been a while since I last bought a monogram bag..
am behind u 100%
i hate fake bags
and i have to admit because my trip to south asia i was stunned by he amount of fake bags that i bought me 2
o allah wakeelch tewaza3oo wala enlabsoo wala marra
i have to keep my appearences
and am also known as the spy bag freak so am offended to see such a bag in shamia co op
and i get really upset when i see the wrong people carring the wrong fake spy
it really hurts
and hurts me more when i have a limited edition sybag and someone approches me to ask from where ur bag????? and how much?????
believe me i act like i didnt hear them in the first place and carry on my walk
I see nothing wrong in carrying a knock off, style is the way you carry things and not how much u spent on it. Just because daddy didnt give us his credit card, by no means states we must limit our bags to high street no names.
I actually find it funny that anyone wld spend the full amount on some bags when many celebrities settle for knock-offs, Having lived in china and seen the bag industry first hand, im sorry to say that many times the only difference between the original and a faux is that company ordered too manyand decided not to import all to its store and the excess/overflow, instead of being dumped is being sold on the back streets.
I think when someone asks you about your bag, you should take it as a compliment. That means people like your sense of style. ;)
I agree with you, it's not a nice feeling to see replica designer bags :)
welcome to my blog :)
I respect your point of view and I can see where you’re coming from. But believe me, now a days, a lot of the women you see carrying or wearing designer duds have actually bought their stuff using their hard earned money. It gives them a feeling of independence whether they're living off their father's account or not.
I have done my research on replica bags and found out that factories in Russia, Korea, and China are producing a mix of genuine & fake goods at the same time. One day the factory produces genuine articles for a supplier order and the next day it changes production to do an equally large, but counterfeit production run of the same product. This is called Counterfeiting. It is wrong, it is illegal, and it is threatening the profits of the original design houses. By the way, this includes not only bags, but also medicine which is even hazardous. imagine taking a medicine made of fake ingridients. Or you car's sapre part are fake.
Why should I buy a replica when I can get a bag (designer or not designer) of great quality that will last me for years? Most designer bags are usually crafted with top quality materials and made with fine hardware, as opposed to replicas.
Again, this is my personal opinion and all views are respected in my blog :)
I see exactly where Anonymous is coming from. This may seem like flaming but here goes ......
You say that a lot of these girls work to buy their duds, that may be true, but I am SURE that each and every one of them, including you ConFashion, have a FAUX 'skeleton in your closet', so before anyone goes pointing fingers at anyone else, remember that three are pointing back at you.
Also, why is anyone on the blog judging everyone else. If someone else wants to buy the FAUX, you should let them. How does it make any difference to your life? Are you spending your money to buy it for them? Who cares if people want to buy the worst looking replica? You don't know where they are coming from. Everyone has a right to buy/live/eat whatever they want. It's disappointing to see people with stoneage mentality in this world...
Thanks for visiting my blog :)
As I said in my previous comment. I welcome all opinions. And It’s a matter of personal taste. I’m not pointing fingers here (for example like assuming that others do buy faux stuff even if they say they don’t). I’m not forcing you to do anything nor am I here to judge you. You can choose to accept it or argue about it. I’m simply stating my opinion freely about something that I don’t like.
To accept others’ opinions, whether you agree or disagree with them, is a reflection of how open minded you are. Let’s agree to disagree. That’s the whole point of commenting in blogs. It makes them more fun. As simple as that. :)
Do YOU have any FAUX items that you want to come out about? :P
also, you are absolutely right. Everyone has a right to make their own argument, but not at the risk of taking away the civil rights of others :) ( I think fashion is a civil right, :) ) Anyway, love your blog it makes a very interesting read.
would you believe me if I said I don't have any faux item inside my closet? :P
Anyways, Thank you very much and I hope you'll love it even more in the future :)