The Louis Vuitton funny looking checked shopping bag with a big, passport-style LV stamp is now available at LV Boutique at Salhiya Complex. They have them in two sizes, the large one had silver & gold checked lines with a huge red LV stamp and it costs KD 760. And the smaller size had red & blue checked lines with a huge blue LV Stamp and it's around KD 479.
I have mixed feelings about this bag, it's funny and cute, BUT it is overpriced for a seasonal bag that you would probably use twice while traveling. If they had the bag last January or February I would have bought the small one, at least I could have used it until August. But to sell it in July when the rest of the brands are already selling their fall collection? Not worth it.
What do you think of the bag? Would you get it?
you think so? Sometimes I find it cute and sometimes I'm like.. it's tacky and very "darb il zalag" looking..
P.S: Love the show but referring to the era :P
its too expensive
and it looks like chees sha7in mal mesarwa
sorry not in my list
Exactly! But then again, sometimes I find them cute.. in a weird way.. Am I making sense? :P
Which color did you choose? : )
I still have mixed feelings about it :\
Haha.. another funny description to the bag..
I guess so… : )
I picked the orange with blue, but believe me its so nice in real
Yeah I liked it more than the gold & silver. I think it's nicer. 3alaich bil 3afiya :)
And the price tag :)
thanks o allah ye3afech :)
vuitton bag because this brand offers a unique style and attractive designs within my pocket amount.
its ridicoulous, not only they ripped it off, but priced so high..