I have received this as an e-mail forward from one of my friends. Apparently, a stylish Kuwaiti girl, Noor Al Humaidhi, was featured in Vogue's website as "New Year's 2008 Street Chic". And let me tell you, I felt so proud to see a Kuwaiti Girl in one of the world’s leading fashion magazine (After all, in Vogue we trust). I Loved the colorful plaid pea-coat and fabulous flat boots Noor was sporting. Kudos to Noor for nailing London's street style AND grabbing Vogue's attention. So what did our fashionista say?
"My coat is from Whistles, which is one of my favourite shops. My gloves are from Prada and my jeans are from Dwell, in the US. For 2008, I think we'll be going back to clean lines and classic looks all worn with high heels. My New Year's Resolution is to add colour to my wardrobe." said Noor.
Click here to see close-up pictures of her chic street style.
She too loved the coat, which leaves me wondering:
"Am I the only one here who thinks that this particular coat is NOT all that great" ?!!
Dare I contradict Vogue- THE fashion bible?!!
God, I think I'm getting a headache!!
On the other hand I like the overall look but not the jacket the print reminds me of a scottish quilt! Salamat sweetness..
To Noor well done you go girl !
personally i do not like the coat and the outfit as a whole doesnt appeal to me.
but heads up for letting someone photograph her ;)
As for the coat she is wearing, it is far too Viking for my liking.
Confashions dear, you must not be outdone by Noor. Send in your snapshots to Marie Claire or Libaas and I am sure they'll want to have you as permanent furniture.
The girl who passed away a few years back in a tragic car accident.. it made kuwait's newspapers' headlines!!
im am MORE than happy of seeing this.
I loved her coat because it's sooo fresh and colorful. I'm sick of winter's greys and blacks I guess ;)
Woooohoooo :D
The fact that she was featured on Vogue's webpages (even though it is probably hardly ever seen by the bigger fashionable public and it is not THE magazine) is good enough for me ;)
Emma Thompson
Emma Thompson? I can't see the resemblance. I think she looks prettier :) And thank you for the compliment ;) As long as they don't have me as an old couch!
I'm proud of Noor, wtg girl!
Emma Thompson = Euphemia bint couture
inspiration to thousands of Kuwaiti lads and ladettes whose life time ambition it is to be Calendar boys and girls and make Kuwait truly very proud of them.
It seems that you did not click on the link which takes you to the vogue's site. Noor is studying for her masters degree and it happens that she dresses in a nice and chic way. Nothing's wrong with that. She's not all about looks... but also BRAINS.
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