Now here comes the dilemma, but first, don't judge me. I know I promised myself not to copy what celebs are wearing (here goes my first so called new year's resolution!), but for God's sake it was Carrie Bradshaw (SJP) who sported this fabulous coat for the upcoming SATC movie!! And she's my #1 weakness and excuse when it comes to justifying my purchases.

But that was not the only reason why I bought it. I was craving a little tartan in my closet and I wanted a coat that will make me stand out. Besides, I felt that square was the shape of du jour.
Little did I know. My excitement faded away as soon as I ripped off the Net-A-Porte's box. I didn't like the texture of the coat but I gave it the benefit of a doubt and decided to try it on. I hated it! It's very unflattering. I hated the belt detail which fastens around hemline (how am i supposed to walk properly if the belt is tied right around my knees!?). It doesn't look as good as it does on Carrie. I tried losing the belt, but it felt more like wearing a coat made out of my grandma's blanket. I showed it to two of my friends and one advised me to return it and the other is convincing me to keep it (maybe blankets will be in someday). The coat cost me around KD 185.
Is it a keeper? I'm trying to find some new looks that goes with the jacket, or should I return it?
Ma adrey!! The style is tricky!!!
Usually I regret keeping things I’m not totally in to!!!
I say return it and get something you are more comfortable with!
And although SJP is a fashion idol of mine as well, that doesn't justify that this particular coat is a no no- for me at least!
Ur totally right, I just noticed it! How unfashionably unforgivable of me! For some reason i thought she just removed the belt. But it does awfully look the same... oh well.. I guess the coat just have to go.. I hate returning stuff to NAP! such a tedious task!
Thanks for your comments :)
It's going ;)
if u wear it with black long sleeves and skinny jeans and let say Christian Louboutin shoes (red bottoms) don't u think it will look good?
or let say pencil skirt?very very tight?
Anyways, I would suggest doing this: First try and see if you know anyone who would be interested in buying it from you. If not, then one word "E-Bay"!
I tried it with skinny jeans, but the problem is that the coat tends to be on the bulky side. The proportions are a bit on the extreme side. However, it does look acceptable with a pencil skirt (minus the belt of course), but then again, I need a coat that goes with several looks. Not just one :\
NAP is turing into an urgly greedy monster. My next post will explain in detail how.
I like the idea of selling it on eBay. I might go with it.
I think so to ;)
philip lim has been doing this style for couple seasons and last season i had tried it on in a plain black cotton.. the belt below my butt ruined it.
actually this almost identical style was done by charles anastase a season or so before and that is when i fell for it. but again the belt just made it super clumsy. so that added on top of the fabric/weight i can only imagine how you felt once you tried it on....
i would return it ASAP
bas madree return it 7raam walah
and just to make it easier on u...all the stuff i order from net a porter turn out to look bad in reality.
Me ;)
Got rid of it ;)
I know.. such an unforgetable and unforgivable mistake :P
new bride
This thing is not staying in my closet.
I haven't been very fortunate with net-a-porter lately :\
miss ghesquiere
lol. no no.. I got rid of it Khalas ;)
Actually, I do have one friend who can easily be convinced into buying it. But I'm not that mean :P I wouldn't want to see this coat on my loved ones.
Snoooooooooooooop ;)
I know!! what was I thinking! :|
two words! Carrie Bradshaw :P
I admit, nothing beats a good ol' shopping sprees at brick and mortar malls and boutiques. But sometimes you're in a hurry or too lazy to leave the house, so you click your shopping away... :)
I know i'm a bit late but wallah plaid is always in ! probably in the whole winter season .. you have it now try to pair it with a skinny or blue legging and a leg warmer with an it bag " i know thats will be a bit extreme in Kuwait " but why not !
Not only Sarah J. P. or mary-kate & ashly olsens would be wearing layers or clash ! we also have Confashion here in Kuwait ;)