Another New Year and another set of broken resolutions. I could resolve to nag less, exercise more, learn a new skill, read more, and make time to visit all my relatives regularly , but who am I kidding? I won’t do any of those. So why not make some fabulous fashionable resolutions I can keep? Here goes my list:
- Stop obsessing with what celebs are wearing and embrace my own personal style.
- Buy an evening gown every season even if I don't have a special occasion. Don't want to be stuck when I'm suddenly invited to a major event packed with stylish crowd.
- Accept the fact that Lagerfeld and Gabbana will never be on my speed dial.
- Conduct a regular Closet Clean up and give away anything I haven't worn for the past 2 years (goodbye my worn out Choos...)
- Shop wisely and rationally. "It goes with everything" does not justify every purchase.
- Buy more Louboutins (Does that cross out resolution #5?).
- Buy less from TopShop.
- Get more facials.
- Invest in good quality see-through boxes to store my shoes in.
- Save the dust bag of any shoes or bags I purchase. Someday, they'll come in handy.
What is your New Year's Fashion Resolution? Happy New Year Everyone :)
I have 11 resolutions for 2008, and a couple more i was just reminded of by another fellow blogger.
Wish me luck***
madree madreee walah i should be a wise shopper , and be sure if i bought somthing ma akhleeh o ma labesaa
yours is funny though :-P
You will break Lagerfeld and Gabbana's hearts :-P~~~
I always save the shoe boxes and whenever I am done I place my shoes back in them ;-) if you want clear boxes IKEA 3indohom
ohhhh and I never throw away my dust bags
Wish you the best of luck ;)
new bride
Thanks ;)
haha! A girl can always dream, right? :P
chuck out anything i havent worn for 2 seasons (meaning 2 consecutive summer or 2 winter seasons )
and selling all the beautiful louboutins that are either too small or too big :-(
i need space in my closet!!!
Happy Brand New 2008 to you and yours.
It takes time and practice my friend ;)
Thank you daaahling ;) isn't the color mouth watering?!