So my little visits to Souk Al Mubarakiya came with some BIG surprises! Like this store I came across which sold designer-knock-offs. I was completely baffled by the amount of top-notch designer accessories on display, from the fake Chanel-ized window display to cramped shelves stocked with fake goods. The Dior sneakers??? I myself couldn't tell if they were original or fake!! According to the sales guy, they get a lot of people shopping at his store for mostly Chanel shoes & bags, Dior sneakers, and Prada bags. "They can get them at a fraction of the price of the real thing", he explained to me, stating the obvious of course. As I scanned the goods in disbelief, I noticed that they were still relatively expensive! Dior fake sneakers for KD 95?! No thank you, I prefer my good ol' budget-friendly converse sneakers anyways.
How do you feel about designer knock-offs? Would you or wouldn't you give in?
I guess Olivia Palermo forgot her customized Burberry Blanket at Souk Al Mubarakiya!!!