I had the pleasure to meet the girls behind From Coco with Love, who started a business in selling vintage and rare Chanel jewelry.
The girls were beyond lovely, elegantly accessorized in Chanel, bien sur! They have established their business a little over a year ago and I have found it hard to believe that it hasn’t been around longer. Because the way they described the pieces so passionately and in detail, you would have easily thought that they’ve been in the business for at least 5 years. They have scouted Europe’s brokers, vintage resellers, and vintage shops and have individually examined and handpicked the pieces of their vintage collection, each works perfectly well in today’s modern world. I have taken photos of some of my favorite pieces; I know they’re a lot! But the pieces were so exquisite that I couldn’t settle for two or three photos!!! So enjoy...
Their exhibition will take place tomorrow only Wednesday April 27, 2011 at La Blanche Gallery in Mishref, block 4, street 2, House 6. From 4 pm – 9pm. For inquiries please contact: Fromcocowithlove@live.com or follow From Coco with Love on twitter, facebook page, and facebook group.
Thank you for your interest. We will not have Knet, we will be accepting cash only. Looking forward to seeing you at the event.
I hope you managed to get sth? :)
I think you got the answer already ;)
From Coco with Love
Thanks for your prompt reply :)
And hope it was a success!
Whats your feedback on the exhibition? :)
if my memory serves me well I think there were between KD 200 (around $600) up to KD 600 (Around $2,000)...