Doesn't matter how many times I see and post about Chanel classic bags, I truly believe they can never get old. Especially when they're quilted and decorated with the cutest charms and unexpected details. I spotted these at Chanel's boutique in the Avenues. I found them more appealing than any boy bag in-store that day. Maybe it was the hot-pink shade? I go weak in the knees when I spot pink clothes and accessoires. I'm not sure which line these bags belong to, but they're quite fit for a Valentine's Day, wouldn't you say?
That is the question. It took me a whole season to finally tell these two brands apart, and this season, there's no mistake, each brand is now engraved in my fashion database like a personalized Tiffany's pen. And this Resort 2015 season, I'm head over heels with their flats, on display now at AlOthman Boutique . Altuzarra's version comes in a tonal-gray water snake and are decorated with beige shells, red beads and silver sequins. Aquazzura's lace-up sandals come in a beautiful shade of apple green, and will work with white or bright colored casual summer outfit. After much thought and sole-searching, I have decided to go for the Altuzarra sandals. They're safely stored in my closet, waiting for the dust and the cold to go away. Which pair would you go for?