I passed by Chanel boutique in the Grand Avenue the other day to check out its Pre-Fall collection or better known as Métiers d'Art. It refers to the brand's in-between main season's collection. It usually takes place in a different destination every year and the design is always inspired by the culture of the selected destination, remember how popular the Bombai-inspired collection of last year? I loved the head pieces and the indian-inspired matryoshka doll/clutch. Unless you've been living under a rock, you'd probably know by now that for 2013 the destination of choice was Scotland, or Edinburgh to be more precise.
The collection is known as Chanel's Métiers d'Art Paris-Edimbourg 2013. And of course the designs incorporated knits, or knit effect like the boy bag shown above, and tartans. I actually liked the mohair covered tartan flap bag. Maybe I'll go for it since I'm looking for a new Fall bag? That is if it's still didn't fly off the shelves.