As much as I dread seeing Chanel bags being toted around K-town by every single female, (very) young and old, stylish and not so stylish. I have to admit I never get bored of admiring this brand, especially its flap bags with the classic quilting. They're such a seasonless luxury pieces and easy to wear with anything. I just wish Kuwait's Chanel boutique offers a wider variety and stop this unfriendly policy of hiding new bags and making everything seems like impossible to get.
Anyhow, Kuwait's Chanel boutique has received its pre-fall collection of bags, accessories, and clothes. Don't expect a big selection though. Pictured here are two of the bags that are available in-store now. The first picture comes in black and a bigger size than the one shown. It's a Diamond quilted calfskin tote bag around KD 950. The second picture is of the classic flap Bag in quilted lamb skin around KD 850. It comes in dark brown as well.
Chanel Boutique is located at Salhiya Complex, Kuwait City.
Anyway, aside from that the bags I saw are boring. I love my vinyl Chanel that I bought last year and I guess I'm sticking with it for now.
I'm thinking of getting the classic necklace, what do you think?
Anonymous 2 (the one who doesn't give a rat's behind about your English LOL)
You know, having a maid could seem like a luxury to others,like you're wasting money, even having a good computer, having a good pair of tennis shoes. All of these could seem like luxuries - way too much for other people. So instead of judging maybe you ought to get some perspective. And if you wanted to advise someone this isn't the best way to do it jackass.
Anonymous 2
You didn't really answer my ''question'' tho' did you? Do you really think that people say ''Oh look at that original 2000pound Chanel bag she's carrying'' ?
Confashion, sorry sweetheart but I'm totally getting a kick out of this guy! HAHAHA
Anonymous 2
You came off very rude, condescending, and unnecessarily antagonistic. "Are you a complete idiot" is what you said. In what kind of environment is that not considered a rude statement?
If your heart aches for those who are starving and you want to help again I must tell you this is not the way to advise people to do that.
Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh (Arabic: جليب الشيوخ Transliteration: Jalīb Al-Shuyūkh) is a town in Kuwait. It is largely inhabited by expatriate workers from South Asia and Arab countries such as Syria and Egypt. A large proportion of the residents of Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh live in Kuwait without their spouses. The town is well known in Kuwait for its social problems, such as overcrowding and crime.
Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh is located at 29.27°N and 47.93°E
And I LUVVVV my Armani bubble so I'm staying right here thank you very much :D You should try putting on an Armani at some point the material, the cut, the design, Oh it is just fab!
Anonymous 2
Anonymous 2
Anonymous 2
yes, there are people starving in kuwait, who do not have access to good toilets, who work dog hours on cheap labour that makes it possible for you guys to have the kushy lifestyle you take for granted.
i get flabbergasted by kuwaitis who say there is no problem, that there are no slum like houses, that there are not people suffering from basic human deprivations.
seriously, if the citizens of this country (not all but many) continue to live in their armani bubble don't be surprised if one day its burst abruptly and there are major, MAJOR revolts and remember foreigners are the majority in this country.
this isn't about being a militant human rights campaigner, a complaining expat or an alarm-ringer, its about being a compassionate person and about being a good citizen. healing the situation of many migrant workers means healing kuwait. we are all fellow residents and brothers and sisters.