If you thought that getting a cheap Chanel bag that's within your budget is something too far fetched, then think again. You'll be surprised to know that Chanel's boutique located at Salhiya Complex is currently selling several bags, that are a maximum 1 or 2 seasons old, on discount. And we're not talking about a 2 or 5% discount here, these bags are 50% off their original price!
For some reason I always thought that Chanel bags never go on sale. But I guess the printed ones or the ones that are made out of the collection's main fabric have to go on sale. Anyways, I managed to take photos of these 2 beauties. What I love about those bags is that they're a classic shape that never goes out of style, their print is young and refreshing, plus they're quilted. I think they could be a collector's item. Both bags featured here are sold for approximately KD 250.
Thank you soo much Confashion :)
when did they start there sale ?
why did i not know about this a few hours ago ;(((((((((((((((
uuuuuuuuffffffffff !!
ya3ni why would anyone go back at time and buy old trends? are they that desperate?
ur welcome :)
I'm not quite sure when exactly.. sorry :|
They can't be used as a day bag, that's for sure.. :\
fashion critic
I know! I loved the abstract prints on it. So in for this season's art prints trend.
Delicately Realistic
why? where you at Salhiya already? :P
It's very cute!
I don't consider the first bag as an old trend. It's more of a collector's item. It would look really nice in 5 or 10 years time. :)
a chanel classic never goes out of season no matter what print it comes in!
i love the first one!
wish i was there to get it :(
I heard the same thing too. But I'm not sure if it's true or not... I wish they could send us a statement or publish one in the newspapers to clarify things...
fake chanel at the chanel store?
that is certainly not true. i am the first person to want to burn counterfeit but this is beyond believable.
i bet this surfaced when someone tried to sell fake bags to some society lady saying these are the same ones as at the store, made by the same manufaturer. then the story resulted in the actual chanel store selling those bags which as a result would then be fake....??????
please someone tell me that is a false story or this is a massive scandal in fashion history.
i -think at this point they would need to issue a statement or i will denonce them!
i love it!
i can see on whom it would look like taco bell!!!
no chanel kuwait on the official website?
hahaha i love it so much!
One last note: In the USA Chanel does put their older bags and accessories on sale.