I thought it would be refreshing to post about handbags this time instead of shoes and also to probe our common interest. Even though I don't obsess about bags as much as I do with shoes, I enjoy checking out the latest designs and the must-haves. However, the more in demand the bag is by the public eye, the less I seem to be interested in getting it. Let's have a quick look at several bags that I really liked during my last trip to Dubai. Unique design is the common factor to my selection, and I wouldn't hesitate to wear them season after season. Let's start with this oh-so-pretty and perfectly formed pink bow bag covered with floral details by the bows master Alexis Mabille, it makes such a perfect statement for occasions when you want to dress up.
Give your daytime outfits a chic flair with Pierre Hardy's tri-color shoulder bag in tones-down shades of pale yellow, pale orange and grey.
Olympia le Tan clutches.... need I say more?
And another love moment with Pierre Hardy clutch, oh and by the way, I have spotted all of the bags mentioned above at Symphony boutique in Dubai Mal.
I actually like this Stella McCartney shoulder bag. But for some reason I feel like it's something I'd get bored from after a couple of wears.
Tonya Hawkes creates some seriously eye-catching clutches with its black stud detailing around sides. LOVE it.