I love the look and durability of colorful exotic leather on handbags, and it's not very often that you find ones with a reasonable price tag. Angel Jacskon handbags however have ticks in all the right boxes. They're beautifully designed, reasonably prices, and have superb attention to detail. Check these featured bright and structured bags from the brand's S/S 2012 collection. I remember a couple of year back, N.B Boutique (closed now) used to stock this brand and I bought my first over-sized clutch from there. I miss this boutique, they used to carry the coolest under-the-radar brands. I have posted about them previously here and here.
Thank you Angel Jacskon for sharing these beautiful photos with me. Bags are available at Walkin Closet Boutique in Burj Jassim and FashCode boutique in the Avenues Phase II.
But do you have any idea if Angel Jackson is stocked in Dubai?
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