The beauty of fine and well-crafted leather handbags and shoes makes me weak in the knees. Bottega Veneta has caught my attention more than 10 years ago, and because of their high quality and timeless appeal, I still carry my Bottega bag and my Bottega shoes look almost brand new. I popped in the brand's boutique a few days ago to check out their latest collection since I didn't find any special bags or clutches in London, they were probably sold out. And I was quite impressed to find out that our selection was even better than London's. I fell in love with this multi-colored clutch covered with what it looked like weaved metal cage. Ideal for the wedding and party season coming upon us. Scroll down for other mouth-watering pieces.
Bottega Veneta's boutiques are located at 360 Mall and Al Hamra Mall in Kuwait City.
The rimless shoulder bag in bright hot pink
Extremely elegant wedge heels <3
In love with these sun-flower flat sandals...
Exotic leather bag decorated with Bottega's classic weaving in a gorgeous shade of emerald green
Oh my! The hoop earrings! L.O.V.E
Any chance of spotting the price tag of the bag?
If my memory serves me right, I think it was around KD 1,200. I'm referring to the exotic skin one with the green detail...