Meet Yousif Abdul-said, a 20 year old Kuwaiti Fashion designer, stylist, and an interior design student. Yousif is currently working on his first collection of casual wear and evening gowns titled O by Osé. Yousif was kind enough to share with us this photo from his lookbook giving us a sneak peek of what to expect. The designer will be hosting his first fashion show soon, I'll be sharing with you all the details once the exact time and date are set. Looking forward to see the entire 16-pieces collection and wishing Yousif the best of luck.
That is the question. It took me a whole season to finally tell these two brands apart, and this season, there's no mistake, each brand is now engraved in my fashion database like a personalized Tiffany's pen. And this Resort 2015 season, I'm head over heels with their flats, on display now at AlOthman Boutique . Altuzarra's version comes in a tonal-gray water snake and are decorated with beige shells, red beads and silver sequins. Aquazzura's lace-up sandals come in a beautiful shade of apple green, and will work with white or bright colored casual summer outfit. After much thought and sole-searching, I have decided to go for the Altuzarra sandals. They're safely stored in my closet, waiting for the dust and the cold to go away. Which pair would you go for?
Where can we see his collection ..?
Hopefully soon on my blog :)
You can also follow the designer on twitter for the latest updates:!/itsOse
Same here! :)